Unlocking the potential of social media for personal and professional growth has become an essential skill in the digital age. Among the myriad platforms that have facilitated this convergence, Google Plus, with its unique blend of personal and business-oriented features, stood out as a versatile tool. While Google Plus is no longer active, the principles of merging personal and business profiles seamlessly remain relevant as we navigate the dynamic landscape of online networking. In this article, we delve into the art of linking Google Plus personal and business profiles, exploring the strategies that once empowered users to harness the platform’s diverse capabilities. By understanding these concepts, you’ll gain insights that can be applied to contemporary social media platforms, enabling you to create a coherent online presence that effectively serves both your personal and professional aspirations.

Understanding Google Plus Personal and Business Accounts: A Comprehensive Guide

Emphasis on Authenticity: Real Names Rule

Google Plus, in its pursuit to maintain an authentic and trustworthy environment, has always upheld the principle of using genuine identities. Historically, they have enforced a stringent policy that necessitates users to register with their real names, which ensures transparency and trustworthiness. Any deviations from this rule, like using business names as personal account names, have often led to account suspensions or deletions.

Furthermore, the concept of authorship on Google Plus is built around individuality. Essentially, when an article or post is authored, it represents the voice, perspective, and credibility of the individual, rather than the organization or business they represent. This policy not only emphasizes personal branding but also builds trust with the readers who can associate the content with a real person. The significance of using real names is particularly highlighted when one dives into advanced features and benefits, as discussed further in point #3.

Establishing a Google Plus Business Page: Personal vs. Business Profiles

Upon successfully setting up a personal account with one’s real name, the next step for businesses or professionals is to create a Google Plus Business Page. This structure mirrors the distinction seen on platforms like Facebook, where individuals have their personal profiles, and businesses or brands maintain separate pages.

While both personal and business accounts have their distinct purposes, they serve different objectives:

  • Personal Account: The primary purpose of a personal account is to build and nurture individual relationships, share personal updates, and engage with a network on a more personal level. Content shared on this platform contributes to personal branding and helps grow an individual’s digital footprint and influence;
  • Business Page: On the other hand, a business page is tailored for brands, companies, or professionals who wish to promote their services, products, or content to a broader audience. Sharing updates, news, and other relevant content on this page enhances the business’s or brand’s visibility and domain authority in the digital realm.

The distinction between these two types of accounts offers users the flexibility to curate content tailored to the respective audiences of each account. It allows for a balanced growth strategy, where both personal and business profiles can flourish simultaneously, complementing each other.

The Significance of Authenticity in Article Creation

Every article is closely associated with Google Plus accounts, specifically personal ones rather than business pages. This personal connection ensures that writers are accountable for their content. When outlets are scouting for reliable writers, they often evaluate their potential contributors based on their standing and influence on Google Plus. This influence can be a significant determinant in not only how frequently a writer is commissioned for work but also the compensation they receive. A robust presence and authority on Google Plus can often lead to an inference that the content penned by the writer will garner attention and rank favorably in Google’s search algorithms. Consequently, those aspiring to carve a niche for themselves as content creators should pay heed to their Google Plus profile’s credibility and influence.

Optimizing Your Online Presence with Plugins: A Focus on WordPress SEO by Yoast and Jetpack

The digital realm offers a plethora of tools that can enhance one’s online presence, and among them, the plugins like WordPress SEO by Yoast and Jetpack stand out, especially when it comes to seamlessly integrating with Google Plus profiles.

For those utilizing WordPress SEO by Yoast:

  • Navigate to the Users section and select ‘Your Profile’;
  • Here, a provision to enter the full URL of your personal Google Plus profile under ‘Google+’ can be found;
  • For those aiming to synchronize their Business Page, the path is slightly different. Go to ‘SEO’, followed by ‘Social’;
  • At the commencement of this section, a dedicated tab for Google Plus is present. Beneath this, there’s a provision to insert the full URL of the Business Page under the ‘Google Publisher Page’ label;
  • Additionally, customization options, like modifying the designated author for the homepage via a dropdown menu, are also available.


In conclusion, Google Business Profiles have emerged as a cornerstone in the digital age, redefining how businesses connect with their customers and establish an online presence. This dynamic platform offers a myriad of benefits, from enhancing visibility on Google Search and Maps to fostering trust through reviews and ratings. As we’ve explored throughout this article, the power of Google Business Profiles lies not only in their accessibility but also in their ability to bridge the gap between businesses and consumers, creating a symbiotic relationship that thrives on accurate information and engagement.