A backpacking journey through Ireland served as the pivotal moment that convinced Stephen Schreck that a nomadic lifestyle was his true calling. In the years that followed, he embarked on exhilarating adventures, including participating in the challenging Mongol Rally and daringly running with the bulls in Pamplona. These experiences marked the transformation of his travel blog, “A Backpacker’s Tale,” into a thriving full-time vocation, among numerous other remarkable escapades.

More than eight years have passed since Steve embarked on that life-changing expedition to Ireland. Today, as the distinguished TBS member of the month, he generously imparts valuable insights he has acquired throughout his journey in travel blogging and enduring exploration.

The Genesis of A Backpacker’s Tale: Stephen Schreck’s Travel Odyssey

Around two and a half years ago, a new voice emerged in the travel blogging community: A Backpacker’s Tale, a brainchild of Stephen Schreck. The motivation behind its creation was tri-fold, all of which centered around Schreck’s love for travel and exploration.

Firstly, Schreck’s ardor for traveling was the primary force that drove him to start his travel blog. He was eager to share his experiences, the exhilaration of discovering new places, and the thrill of immersing oneself in foreign cultures with a wider audience. His stories aimed to inspire those who might have been hesitant about venturing into unknown territories, or those in need of that nudge to pack their bags and hit the road.

The blog was also conceptualized as a means to sustain Schreck’s long-term travel plans. As an experienced backpacker, he found that sharing his knowledge on the subject was an ideal way to contribute valuable insights to the worlwide travel community. This endeavor acted as a bridge connecting his need for a steady income and his expertise in budget traveling, thereby creating a win-win proposition.

Lastly, A Backpacker’s Tale served as a personal diary for Schreck, a digital repository of his unique adventures and experiences around the globe. The blog became his logbook, recording his footprints on the sands of time. Even if no audience ever found their way to his blog, Schreck could still look back, re-read his tales, and relive the memories.

Here are a few reasons that you might find A Backpacker’s Tale insightful:

  • It shares first-hand experiences and provides valuable tips from an experienced backpacker;
  • It serves as an inspiration for those who wish to explore the world but are unsure or hesitant;
  • It offers practical advice on how to generate income while traveling, an essential aspect for long-term backpackers;
  • It is a testament to the beauty and thrill of traveling, as recorded by a passionate globetrotter.

Thus, the creation of A Backpacker’s Tale is a story in itself, marked by passion, pragmatism, and a love for preserving memories.

The Journey to Professional Travel Blogging: Stephen Schreck’s Story

Stephen Schreck, the man behind A Backpacker’s Tale, is a dedicated professional travel blogger. Over the years, he has exhibited a commitment and passion that underline his professional approach to travel blogging. Building a profitable blog is no walk in the park. It demands time, determination, and an unwavering commitment to delivering exceptionally high-quality content.

Schreck embarked on his blogging journey while saving for a round-the-world trip. At that point, he was juggling a full-time job, a part-time job, and the strenuous task of establishing his brand online. With a staggering commitment that often translated into over a hundred work hours per week, Schreck’s tireless efforts began to pay off.

After launching A Backpacker’s Tale, it took about six months of continuous effort before it started generating income. Initially, the primary source of revenue came from sponsored posts. While these were instrumental in the early days of the blog, the focus eventually shifted away from sponsored content.

Schreck transitioned into full-time travel blogging and freelance writing a year after initiating this journey. By consistently producing quality content and promoting it effectively, he was able to build a strong, engaged audience base. This, in turn, paved the way for him to make blogging his full-time career.

Alongside sponsored content and freelance writing, Schreck leveraged affiliate marketing as a significant revenue source. Affiliate marketing continues to be a lucrative avenue for bloggers to generate income while providing valuable resources to their audience.

Key takeaways from Schreck’s journey to full-time blogging:

  • Success in blogging requires time, effort, and a commitment to producing high-quality content;
  • Diversifying revenue streams, such as sponsored content, freelance writing, and affiliate marketing, can significantly enhance blog profitability;
  • Building an engaged audience is fundamental to successful blogging and becoming a full-time blogger;
  • Persistence and dedication are crucial to transition from blogging as a hobby to a professional career.

The Bedrock of a Successful Travel Blog: Hidden Traits and Strategies Behind A Backpacker’s Tale

Stephen Schreck’s story is a testament to the immense dedication and unwavering honesty that’s required to reach the pinnacle of success in the travel blogging sphere. These virtues formed the heart and soul of A Backpacker’s Tale and continue to guide its evolution. Let’s delve deeper into how these qualities shaped his journey.

Dedication: The Marathon of Blogging

In the realm of blogging, perseverance is the holy grail. The journey isn’t a frantic sprint but a painstaking marathon, requiring grit and dogged determination. A considerable chunk of the initial phase in blogging may seemingly bear no fruit, but that shouldn’t deter an aspiring blogger from pressing on.

Schreck harnessed his unwavering dedication to build a solid foundation for his blog. In the face of sparse visibility and meager initial returns, he kept his eyes fixated on the long-term potential of his endeavor. His resilience underpins the importance of patience and commitment in the pursuit of becoming a professional blogger. Also, discover the power of Trend Micro’s website scan – safeguard your online world with cutting-edge protection and peace of mind.

Honesty: The Key to Building Trust

Honesty ranks high in the list of attributes that leads to blogging success. Throughout his journey, Schreck has underscored the importance of integrity in curating content that truly resonates with his audience. He has rejected lucrative offers that could have otherwise led to short-term gains, but would not have served his audience’s best interests.

Schreck’s focus remains steadfast on maintaining a transparent and honest relationship with his readers. This virtue has been instrumental in his success, not just in the context of monetization, but more notably, in establishing long-lasting, trustworthy connections with his audience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Success in travel blogging is a marathon, not a sprint. Patience and relentless dedication are paramount;
  • Honesty with the audience builds trust, a vital element in maintaining a robust reader base;
  • Short-term gains should not compromise the long-term vision and reader trust;
  • Rejecting offers that don’t align with the audience’s needs reinforces reader trust;
  • Honest recommendations enhance credibility and reader trust over time.

An Exciting Partnership: Stephen Schreck’s Collaboration with Epic Gap Year

Epic Gap Year (EGY) was born of a brilliant idea by experienced travel blogger Chris Stevens, the mind behind Backpacking Banter. The platform serves as an adventure booking agency, curating exciting experiences such as scuba diving, snowboarding, surfing, and more.

Schreck’s role with EGY is that of an ambassador, a crucial position teeming with interesting opportunities. His responsibilities include scouting for exciting trips or programs in the region he is visiting. If these programs offer valuable experiences, he communicates with Chris Stevens to consider their inclusion on the EGY platform. Each booking that results from Schreck’s suggestions brings him a commission, creating a win-win situation for each party.

Key Aspects of Being an EGY Ambassador

  • Exploring new regions with an eye for adventurous programs;
  • Evaluating the potential of these programs in providing valuable experiences;
  • Recommending worthwhile programs for inclusion on the EGY platform;
  • Earning a commission from each booking resulting from these recommendations.

Travel Blogging Success: A Personal Perspective

What does success look like in travel blogging? For Schreck, it reached beyond the metrics of income or popularity. The first instance of a reader crediting him as their inspiration for embarking on an exhilarating European adventure was a defining moment of success for him.

To Schreck, success is intrinsically linked to the ability to inspire and aid others in achieving their travel dreams, while simultaneously living his own. The joy derived from assisting others in their journey, coupled with the privilege of making a living from a work he loves, is what defines success for him.

Success in Travel Blogging: Key Highlights

  • The ability to inspire others to undertake their own travel adventures;
  • The satisfaction derived from helping others actualize their travel dreams;
  • The privilege of earning a living by doing what you love;
  • The bonus of earning a decent income while fulfilling your passion.

Anecdotes of Travel Blogging Opportunities: Garage Gypsy on Vagabonding

Opportunities often unravel in the most unexpected ways and places. Consider the instance of Stephen Schreck’s journey to becoming a guest blogger on Rolf Potts’ renowned travel website, Vagabonding. Schreck’s collaborative spirit played a significant role in this, which ultimately led him to contribute to one of the most popular travel blogs in the world.

Man with backpack in green field

This journey began with a serendipitous connection made during the Mongol Rally, an adventurous car rally from Europe to Ulan-Ude, Russia. It was there that Schreck met Norbert, the creator of GloboTreks, a fellow member of Travel Blog Success (TBS). The duo hit it off, traveling together and meeting occasionally since then.

It was Norbert who recommended Schreck for a comprehensive case study on individuals who have chosen the path of long-term travel. The case study was published on Vagabonding, and Schreck’s honest writing style and passionate perspectives caught the site editor’s attention.

The rest, as they say, is history. Schreck’s initial guest post was so well received that he was offered the opportunity to write a monthly column. Today, Schreck’s insights can be found twice a month on Vagabonding.

What is remarkable about this anecdote is the series of events and connections that led to Schreck’s association with Vagabonding. It validates the importance of networking and camaraderie in the blogging community. Opening up to collaborations and fostering professional friendships can usher in opportunities that are beyond imagination.

Lessons from the Periphery of Rolf Potts’ World

While Schreck hasn’t had the opportunity to work directly with Rolf Potts, he has been profoundly influenced by Potts’ groundbreaking travel philosophies. Potts’ work served as a beacon of inspiration for Schreck, igniting his wanderlust and shaping his worldview.

Potts’ books and articles, especially ‘Vagabonding’, brought forth a riveting portrayal of an alternative lifestyle, shattering traditional notions about travel. This trailblazing perspective made Schreck rethink what travel and life could look like, leaving a deep and lasting influence on him.

Though Schreck mainly deals with Potts’ website team, he eagerly anticipates a possible meeting with all the writers and Potts himself in the future. For now, he takes immense pride in being a part of Vagabonding, drawing inspiration from Potts’ ideas and contributing to the same platform that once inspired him.

Key Takeaways:

  • Embrace the opportunity to network and collaborate with other bloggers;
  • A well-written, genuine post can create lasting impressions and pave the way for further opportunities;
  • Even indirect connections with influential figures can have a profound impact on one’s perspectives and career trajectory;
  • Personal experiences, shared in an honest and relatable manner, resonate with readers and leave a lasting impact.

The Balancing Act of Long-Term Travel: Personal Insights by Stephen Schreck

The idea of continuous, long-term travel holds an irresistible charm for many. It paints a picture of infinite possibilities, new experiences, and meeting individuals from diverse cultures. Yet, it also presents certain challenges, as Stephen Schreck, the man behind A Backpacker’s Tale, points out.

His love for travel is so profound that he envisions himself continuing his jet-setting adventures until old age sets in. But that doesn’t mean the journey is without its hurdles. Being a long-term traveler often means sacrificing precious time with loved ones and missing out on significant events back home.

Schreck recently faced this dilemma during a visit to Ohio for the holidays. Originally planned as a month-long stay, he extended his visit due to a poorly family member. This scenario underscores one of the significant challenges of long-term travel – maintaining a delicate balance between pursuing your dreams and being there for the important people in your life when they need you.

However, despite these challenges, Schreck’s passion for travel remains undiminished. For him, feeling truly alive comes from exploring new landscapes, immersing himself in diverse cultures, and meeting new people along the way. At this point, the idea of settling down doesn’t seem to be on the horizon.

In a couple of weeks, Schreck will embark on a thrilling five-month journey, sailing on a tall ship around the eastern coast of America, Bermuda, and the Caribbean. Alongside his brother and cousin, he will serve as a crew member, steering the ship, unfurling the sails, and taking night watch duties. This unique experience promises a fresh perspective on exploring the world.

Key Takeaways:

  • Long-term travel demands a fine balance between personal dreams and being there for loved ones;
  • The spirit of exploration and discovery fuels the desire to continue traveling;
  • Embracing new ways to travel, such as sailing, can enrich the overall travel experience;
  • Even amidst the challenges, the joy of travel outshines the notions of settling down, at least for some.


In conclusion, Stephen Schreck’s journey from a backpacking trip in Ireland to his current status as a prominent figure in the world of travel blogging is a testament to the transformative power of wanderlust and determination. His adventures, which span from the Mongol Rally to the heart-pounding experience of running with the bulls in Pamplona, exemplify a life lived to the fullest.

With over eight years of travel experiences under his belt, Steve’s wisdom and knowledge serve as a beacon for aspiring adventurers and travel enthusiasts alike. As our TBS member of the month, he shares invaluable lessons learned from his extensive travels, offering a unique perspective on the world of travel blogging and the rewards of embracing a life on the road. His story reminds us that sometimes, all it takes is one defining moment to set us on a path of incredible exploration and self-discovery.