For writers, including freelancers and staff contributors, pitching an article is a fundamental step in the publication process. Understanding what editors expect from a pitch is crucial for writers aiming to get their articles published. This article elaborates on the concept of an article pitch, providing a structured approach and tips for creating an effective pitch.

Understanding an Article Pitch

An article pitch is a concise proposal aimed at convincing an editor to consider a story idea. It typically includes a summary of the topic, its relevance to the publication, and the author’s credentials. Both freelance and staff writers utilize article pitches to propose story ideas, particularly for news or opinion articles.

Comprehensive Guide to Pitching an Article

To successfully pitch an article, follow these steps:

  1. Select a Suitable Publication and Section: Identify a publication and specific section that aligns with your article idea, increasing the likelihood of pitch acceptance;
  2. Research the Editor: Find the contact details of the relevant section editor, understand their preferences, and publish content to tailor your pitch;
  3. Adhere to Submission Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with the publication’s pitch submission guidelines, ensuring compliance to demonstrate professionalism;
  4. Craft an Engaging Subject Line: Create a compelling subject line that piques the editor’s interest, potentially using the word “pitch” and a brief, enticing description;
  5. Compose the Pitch Body: Include a potential title, main idea, and rationale for the publication’s interest in your story, keeping the content concise and clear;
  6. Include Your Bio: Add a brief author bio highlighting your experience and previous publications, showcasing your expertise in the topic;
  7. Consider Sending a Completed Article: Depending on the guidelines, include a finished article to demonstrate commitment and writing style, especially for less experienced writers;
  8. Proofread and Verify: Thoroughly check for errors, ensuring factual accuracy and proper formatting before sending your pitch.

Effective Tips for Article Pitching

  • Match Your Style with the Publication: Tailor your content and writing style to the publication you are pitching to;
  • Be Concise: Clear, succinct writing is appreciated by editors, reflecting your ability to stay on topic and articulate ideas effectively;
  • Follow Up Post-Submission: Allow time for the editor to review your pitch, but follow up with a polite email if you don’t receive a response;
  • Support Opinions with Facts: For opinion pieces, strengthen your argument with factual evidence and sources;
  • Start with Smaller Publications: Build your portfolio by pitching to smaller publications, and gaining experience and exposure;
  • Focus on Specificity: Clearly define your article topic, ensuring it has a distinct perspective or angle.

Identifying Suitable Publications for Pitches

When choosing where to pitch, consider various types of publications that commonly accept submissions, such as newspapers, literary and niche magazines, scholarly journals, and zines.

Example of a Well-Crafted Article Pitch

To illustrate effective pitching, consider this sample pitch:

To: [email protected]: Pitch: Impact of Urban Planning on Community Wellness
Dear Editor,
I am writing to propose an article exploring the influence of urban planning on community wellness, a topic that aligns well with your publication’s focus on urban development and health.
This piece will delve into how city design affects residents’ physical and mental well-being, drawing on recent studies and expert opinions. Given the growing interest in sustainable and health-oriented urban design, this article will offer valuable insights to your readers.
Thank you for considering my pitch. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your esteemed publication.
Best regards,[Your Name][Your Contact Information]

Comparative Table: Key Components of a Successful Article Pitch vs. Blogging Resume

AspectArticle PitchBlogging Resume
ObjectiveTo persuade an editor to consider a story ideaTo showcase blogging skills and experience to potential employers
Primary ComponentsSummary of idea, fit for publication, author bioContact information, professional summary, education, work experience, skills
ApproachTailored to the publication’s theme and editor’s preferencesCustomized to highlight relevant blogging experiences and skills
FormatBrief and compelling email or letterStructured, one-page document
Key FocusNovelty of the idea and its relevance to the publicationDemonstrating expertise and achievements in blogging
Submission GuidelinesAdherence to specific editorial guidelinesFollowing industry-standard resume formats
Follow-upPolite email to confirm receipt if no responseNetworking and leveraging connections for opportunities

The Art of Crafting a Blogging Resume

A blogging resume is a crucial tool for writers seeking opportunities in the digital content creation realm. It serves as a professional summary, detailing experiences, skills, and achievements in the blogging industry. Understanding how to create an impactful blogging resume is key to standing out to potential employers or clients.

Key Elements of a Blogging Resume:

  • Personal Information: Include your full name, contact details, and links to your online portfolio or blog;
  • Professional Summary: A concise overview that highlights your blogging experience, specialties, and notable achievements;
  • Educational Background: Detail your academic qualifications, especially if relevant to writing or digital media;
  • Blogging Experience: Outline previous blogging roles, emphasizing contributions, growth metrics, and successful projects;
  • Skills and Proficiencies: List specific skills such as SEO, content marketing, social media expertise, and any technical proficiencies;
  • Portfolio Samples: Provide links to published work, showcasing your writing style and range of topics covered.

Effective Strategies for a Blogging Resume:

  • Tailor to Your Audience: Customize your resume for the specific role or organization, emphasizing relevant experiences;
  • Showcase Achievements: Use quantifiable metrics to demonstrate the impact of your blogging efforts (e.g., audience growth, engagement rates);
  • Keep It Current: Regularly update your resume with new skills, experiences, and portfolio pieces;
  • Professional Presentation: Ensure a clean, organized layout with no grammatical or typographical errors;
  • Highlight Versatility: If applicable, show your ability to cover a range of topics or adapt to various blogging styles.


Mastering the art of article pitching is essential for writers seeking publication opportunities. By following the outlined steps, adhering to tips, and learning from the provided example, you can significantly improve your pitching techniques, increasing your chances of having your articles accepted by editors.